My Favorite Linux Software
Update: I have created a uses page to list the tools and software I use.
This is a list of GUI-Software that I need to have installed on all my (Arch-)Linux workstations.
This is not a complete list of all the software I use on a daily basis (like Git, Neovim, ranger, Tmux, ..), but it’s a quick mock-up of what I tend to use somewhat regularly when it comes to GUI-Software.
- Flameshot Screenshot Tool
- Shotcut free, open source, cross-platform video editor
- GIMP free, open source, cross-platform image editor
- Audacious Simple to use Audio Player
- KeepassXC Password Manager
- Sublime Text 3 A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
- Audacity Free, open source, cross-platform audio software
- Gpick Advanced color picker and palette editing tool.
- Pinta Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing. Its goal is to provide users with a simple yet powerful way to draw and manipulate images.
- Key-mon Screencast utility that displays your keyboard and mouse status.
- screenkey Tool to display your keys inspired by Screenflick
- Pencil Cross-platform, open-source GUI prototyping tool
- GParted Free partition editor for graphically managing your disk partitions.
- LibreOffice Free Office Suite
- Google Chrome Web Browser
- Vimium Vim keybindings for Chrome browser navigation