Programming snippets, documentation and stories about me and my life
Make Apple Developer Certificates and Provisioning Profiles Work on Linux
How to make Apple Developer Certificates and Provisioning Profiles work on Linux.
FFmpeg - height not divisible by 2
How to fix the error "height not divisible by 2" in FFmpeg
Kulala.nvim - A minimal HTTP client interface for Neovim
A story about how I came to build Kulala.nvim, a minimal HTTP client interface for Neovim
Started a new job at TBInt
Why I started a new job at TBInt
Back to Ubuntu and Gnome again
Why I switched back to Ubuntu and Gnome again
How I came to build timetrack
A story about how I came to build timetrack, an offline-first desktop time tracking app
Are you affected by the 2024 backdoor in xz-utils?
How to check if you are affected by the 2024 backdoor in xz-utils.
My Favorite Linux Software
A list of my favorite software for Linux.
Create Windows 10 Bootable USB Stick on Linux
How to create a Windows 10 bootable USB stick on Linux.
NGINX Configuration File Using Let's Encrypt SSL HTTPS Certificate
This is somewhat my default configuration file for all my websites I run.
How to get a list of tags from a private GitLab Docker Registry with curl
We tried to mirror the Docker images (all tags) of the private GitLab Docker Registry from a project we sourced to an external company. This has been a real struggle, because I haven't done this before and I had no idea how to get this thing going.
Migrating a GitLab Instance to Another Server
Migrating a GitLab instance to another server is a breeze thanks to the built-in backup and restore functionality.
Veganes Bananenbrot
Ein einfaches Rezept für veganes Bananenbrot.
Clear Redirect Cache in Google Chrome
How to clear the redirect cache in Google Chrome
Vegane Schoko-Cookies
Vegane Schoko-Cookies sind einfach und schnell zubereitet. Das Rezept ist einfach und schnell zubereitet.
Rotate a MP4 file while preserving codec and quality attributes with FFmpeg or Avidemux
How to rotate a MP4 file while preserving codec and quality attributes with FFmpeg or Avidemux
Noras erster Tag im Kindergarten
Nora hat heute ihren ersten Tag im Kindergarten hinter sich gebracht.
Die Fahrt hat 6 Stunden gedauert
Die Fahrt nach Peine hat 6 Stunden gedauert. Chaos mit Nora, dem Auto und dem ADAC.
Muttertag 2010
Was wir am Muttertag 2010 gemacht haben